"I look down the tracks and see you coming—and out of every haze & mist your darling rumpled trousers are hurrying to me—Without you, dearest dearest..."
I couldn’t see or hear or feel or think—or live—I love you so and I’m never in all our lives going to let us be apart another night. It’s like begging for mercy of a storm or killing Beauty or growing old, without you. I want to kiss you so—and in the back where your dear hair starts and your chest—I love you—and I can’t tell you how much—To think that I’ll die without your knowing—Goofo, you’ve got to try [to] feel how much I do—how inanimate I am when you’re gone—I can’t even hate these damnable people—Nobody’s got a right to live but us—and they’re dirtying up our world and I can’t hate them because I want you so—Come Quick—Come Quick to me—Lover, Lover, Darling—Your Wife
Zelda Fitzgerald to F. Scott Fitzgerald

The notion of love is a feeling everyone is capable of love and worthy of.
Love is a feeling of warmth, a sense of calm, and an immense joy that cannot be contained or hidden from those you cherish. Its origins remain a mystery, yet it exists within all of us. When love takes root, it transcends time and space, creating a world within a world where only you and your partner exist, while the rest of life lingers just beyond the universe you've built together.
This webpage will showcase ordinary love letters from ordinary people everyday without repeating any, presenting to the world that love has always existed timeless, universal, and deeply human.
Page dedicated to my girlfriend!

Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space
Interstellar, Amelia Brand